dock, Deck & RAMP SERVICE
Docks, over-water-decks and ramps in the Tahoe Keys face many unique and extreme elements including ice, snow loads, animals, settling land, wind, fluctuating lake levels and the occasional "oops" from boater error.
- Dock piling replacements or re-setting to ensure your dock and boat are secure
- Boat lifts to keep your boat high and dry and free from discoloration from algae and other decomposing plants
- Deicer installation to protect your dock and boat from ice formation and shifts from lake fluctuation
- Dock, deck and ramp surface, trim and fascia repairs and replacement. Over time weather, ice, boat use and sun exposure can ice and boat operation. Depending on what's under your dock, deck or ramp, cosmetic
- Ramp adjustments and care. As the vital link from land to dock, the ramp experiences extra wear an tear and vulnerability from lake level fluctuations
- Dock cleat replacement/additions to simplify securing your boat
- Dock lighting installation and service
- Care consultation to guide you in the maintenance of your dock and damage prevention from heavy a heavy winter.
boat dock service, waterfront services, ramp services, over-water-decks and platforms services, dock pilings, boat lifts, deicers, dock resurfacing, deck resurfacing, dock lighting, dock care consultation, buoys, retaining walls, decks